News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Another cryptocurrency firm tanks, files for bankruptcy protection and takes life savings of thousands of people with them
Cryptocurrency firms continue to tank amid uncertainty about the future and as more and more of them are exposed as being shams. Last week, crypto lender Celsius Network, which was already suffering from a massive cash shortage, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the Southern District of New York — an action that came after […]
By JD Heyes
Following Sri Lanka, Panama becomes next nation to collapse amid global recessionary pressures and unrelenting inflation
Panama is the latest country to implode due to rising inflation and recession, though the country’s president is only making matters worse by imposing Marxist/socialist ‘solutions.’ According to reports, what started as a simple teacher’s strike against the high price of gasoline has blossomed into the largest civil unrest in the country since the end […]
By JD Heyes
Massive Chinese debt bomb set to explode as mortgage holders, suppliers refuse to make payments on loans
There is a massive debt bomb that is about to explode in China that is increasingly likely to devastate the country’s economy in a way that would rival the Great Depression in 1930s America. According to reports, Chinese homebuyers are boycotting their mortgage payments, which led the ChiCom government to scramble in order to avoid […]
By JD Heyes
Double-edged sword: Fed hikes interest rates again to combat inflation, but it will only deepen our current recession
The Federal Reserve has once again raised interest rates in a desperate attempt to combat inflation brought on by Joe Biden’s horrific anti-fossil fuel policies and the Democrat-controlled Congress’ massive spending packages. The latest rate action by the Fed is being taken as a means of attempting to control inflation while avoiding a recession, but […]
By JD Heyes
China deploys TANKS in the streets to prevent citizens from withdrawing their money from banks amid collapsing financial system
China’s fast-and-loose financial practices have caught up with the country and now threaten to bring down the world’s No. 2 economy. According to video clips posted to social media, the Chinese government is deploying tanks and armed troops to surround banks in order to prevent citizens from withdrawing their money and collapsing the cash-strapped financial […]
By JD Heyes
U.S. economy continues to collapse under Biden as inflation hits new record highs
Joe Biden and the Barack Obama sycophants who are actually running his administration are steadily implementing one measure after another specifically designed to destroy our country by tanking our economy. Just 18 months in, the regime has reversed the fabulous economy built by President Donald Trump and a GOP-controlled Congress with policies purposely designed to […]
By JD Heyes
Where did the money go? Ukraine set to default on loans after American taxpayers provided tens of billions in aid
Once again, the American taxpayer has been fleeced, this time in Ukraine. For months, the Biden regime and the bipartisan ‘deep state’ has been expending tens of billions in American treasure and military equipment in Ukraine, where Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, made millions of dollars for years as part of corrupt business deals — […]
By JD Heyes
Biden intentionally destroying U.S. economy and sabotaging the American energy sector
It’s become patently obvious that Joe Biden’s handlers, all of whom are sycophantic left-wing followers of Barack Obama, are intentionally destroying our economy and the American energy sector because poor people are much easier to control as slaves. That’s the view of Fox News host and top radio talker Mark Levin, who explained what was going […]
By JD Heyes
Collapse continues as massive crypto hedge fund goes bankrupt, ruining investors
The scam that is cryptocurrency continues to play out, wiping away vast fortunes and leaving millions of investors wiped out and holding the bag. The latest crypto-casualty is Three Arrows Capital. As recently as March, the company managed around $10 billion in assets, which positioned the firm as among the most prominent crypto hedge funds […]
By JD Heyes
Bidenflation getting much worse with no end in sight as Americans’ real wages fall for 15th month
The Biden regime has proven it is much better at destroying an economy than fixing one, as has traditionally been the case when it comes to the modern Democratic Party, which is rife with socialists, Marxists and even Communists. According to the Labor Department earlier this week, inflation caused by massive Democrat spending bills on […]
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