News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Commerce and economic activity in China comes to virtual standstill amid worsening coronavirus outbreak
What would happen if the world’s second-largest economy were to grind to a halt for any length of time? And what impact would the collapse of the second-largest economy have on global commerce, especially if that country was responsible for grinding out the lion’s share of consumer goods and spare parts for most of the […]
By JD Heyes
Is another subprime mortgage bubble just over the horizon? Industry seeks to eliminate debt-to-income rules that caused the last one
About a decade ago, thanks to crazy loose government rules that allowed mortgage companies to offer insanely low payments and interest rates on insanely expensive property to people who had no ability to pay for it, we seem on the precipice of repeating that disaster. In 2007, the bottom fell out of the U.S. housing […]
By JD Heyes
China FLOODING the markets with liquidity to counter any loss of faith stemming from the coronavirus pandemic and a looming supply chain catastrophe
By week’s end, there were still more signs that China is having great difficulty controlling the spread of the coronavirus — so much so that the country’s Communist leaders have begun taking drastic measures to keep their economy, and that of most of the world, from collapsing. First, Chinese leaders extended the country’s Lunar New […]
By JD Heyes
Coronavirus now disrupting China’s shipping industry, which will lead to collapse of global supply chain
As bad as coronavirus is getting in China where the outbreak originated, the effects of the bug are soon going to be felt the world over, even in places where it has yet to make an appearance. As reported by The Epoch Times, the pandemic is beginning to cause major disruptions in China’s shipping industry […]
By JD Heyes
Stock market takes hit as fears rise over global Coronavirus pandemic, rising infection rate in China
Stocks fell on Wall Street Monday as fears of a global Coronavirus pandemic affected market forecasts as traders appeared cautious and concerned. As reported by Breitbart News, “the Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 440 points, or 1.52 percent. The S&P 500 dropped 1.32 percent. The Nasdaq Composite fell 1.75 percent. The Russell 2000 index […]
By JD Heyes
The pension apocalypse begins as GE freezes benefits for 20,000 employees
One thing the Democrat Left has always been good at is spending other people’s money. Whether it’s Democrat lawmakers spending trillions of dollars our country doesn’t have or their allies in the Left-wing labor union sector forcing companies to expend money in worker benefits beyond what is reasonable, there never seems to be enough money […]
By JD Heyes
WeWork is NOT a tech company, it’s a massive financial fraud scheme, warns analyst
A new in-depth analysis of the WeWork, a “shared workspace” company that is outlandishly overvalued, is built on fraud, deceit, and shameless fake marketing campaigns that are sure to end in miserable failure. According to a lengthy assessment of WeWork by Henry Hawksberry, a company founded by Adam Nuemann & Miguel McKelvey, it is in […]
By JD Heyes
What Democratic presidential contenders are REALLY proposing: Quadrillions in new spending and debt
Have you ever heard of the numerical denomination of “quadrillion?” If you haven’t, it’s the equivalent of a 1 with 15 zeros. And if you’re talking about a monetary figure, something in the “quadrillion” range is so mind-blowingly astronomical as to be nearly impossible to imagine. And yet, if any one of the Democrats currently […]
By JD Heyes
America headed for “absolute catastrophe” of debt collapse, warn Senators… but nobody seems to care
Democratic voters who watched their prospective 2020 presidential candidates over two nights last week were likely enthused by all the free stuff that was being promised. Even to people who aren’t American citizens. In addition to pledging free healthcare for illegal aliens, virtually all 20-odd candidates mentioned new ‘freebie’ programs they would try to enact […]
By JD Heyes
Why China is vulnerable to its own economic crash… and why it’s so desperate to keep screwing America with unfair trade deals
The administration of President Richard Nixon sought to ‘normalize’ relations with China in the early 1970s in large part to use the Asian giant as a bulwark against our superpower rival, the Soviet Union. It made sense since China and the USSR had recently fought a vicious border war (1969) and though both were communist […]
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